Solutions in Cloud directed to your business

Transform your business, increase the revenue and efficiency of your operation.

Recognized Market Leader

ISG Provider Lens™ AWS Ecosystem Partners Brazil 2022
Analytics and Machine Learning and Internet of Things (IoT) Services quadrants

Our clients

About ST IT Cloud

We combine technology and innovation to go beyond limits and explore new horizons

Quality and Result

Multidisciplinary Team

Leadership in Data Analytics, Machine Learning and IoT

+ 0
Served customers
+ 1500
Projects delivered
+ 0
Years on the market

Our partners

ST IT Cloud Solutions

Take your company's Digital Transformation to the next level

Cloud Migration

Cost Reduction, security and agility for your company.

Data Analytics

Maximize the value of your business with the strategic use of your data.

Machine Learning

Optimize your business with Artificial Intelligence

IoT (Internet of Things)

Boost your business innovation.
