Amazon QuickSight

Discover the potential of your data

Main advantages

Customizable Dashboards

Os usuários do Amazon QuickSight podem criar painéis de visualização personalizados com gráficos, tabelas, medidores e outros elementos visuais.

Processador de IA

Integrated Machine Learning

Chat with your data!
Get answers in seconds.

Security and Compliance

Com o Amazon QuickSight tenha criptografia de dados, controle de acessos e auditoria avançada.

Enjoy all the potential of your data and drive the success da sua empresa com Amazon QuickSight

A ST IT Cloud é especialista em soluções Data Visualization, utilizando ferramentas modernas de BI, como o Amazon QuickSight, ou seja, possibilita inúmeras vantagens para sua empresa, dentre elas estão:

Integration with Machine Learning;

Pay as you go;

No need for servers;

Built-in security, governance, and compliance.

If you are looking to make more strategic decisions based on data for your company, ST IT Cloud is the ideal partner to develop innovative and efficient solutions according to your business.

Principais Benefícios do Amazon QuickSight


Pay what you use, optimize your investment and reduce unnecessary costs

Data analysis

Users can analyze data in real time with advanced visualization, exploration, filtering and aggregation capabilities

Integration with AWS services

Easily integrated with other AWS services such as S3 and Redshift, offering greater flexibility and scalability, allowing companies to quickly adapt to changes in demand and business growth

Explore as possibilidades de uso do Amazon QuickSight

imagem de negócio - Amazon Quicksign


Business managers make more strategic decisions based on accurate data, identifying trends and opportunities. Create custom dashboards and keep your team always updated and aligned with your goals

Analise de negócios - Amazon Quicksign

Data analysis

Efficiently explore data and create interactive visualizations. Share dashboards with your team for smarter, more agile collaboration and decision-making. Discover your potential with data

Vendas - Amazon Quicksign


Boost your sales! Get access to personalized dashboards and real-time performance indicators to make strategic decisions and increase your company's revenue.

Marketing- Amazon Quicksign


Monitor, analyze and improve the performance of your campaigns and strategies with real-time actionable insights. Increase user engagement and drive your business success.
