Smart Miner – Otimização de Sinistros com IA e Machine Learning

February 23, 2024

Parceria Sistran Smart Miner

In recent years, digital transformation has revolutionized several sectors, and the insurance market is no exception. With the growing demand for efficiency and agility in processes, insurers are seeking innovative solutions to improve the customer experience and optimize their operations.

How does the Smart Miner Solution optimize the Claims Process?

Smart Miner se destaca  pela capacidade de pré-analisar documentos recebidos durante o processo de sinistros. Ao receber imagens de documentos obtidos por celulares e/ou scanners, tipifica, classifica e faz ajustes em cada documento. Após estas validações realiza a extração das informações necessárias (OCR).

Using advanced AI and Machine Learning algorithms, it automatically identifies the type of document and makes improvements to image quality, including resizing and correcting distortions.

An advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning solution, that works via API, was specifically designed to optimize the claims process. Additionally, it is hosted on Amazon Web Service (AWS), one of the largest cloud platforms in the world, which offers insurers a secure and scalable environment for data processing.

Smart Miner é capaz de extrair informações essenciais dos documentos, agilizando o processo de abertura de sinistros e oferecendo uma resposta mais rápida aos clientes.

Smart Miner, was highlighted in Innovation and received the Golden Seagull Trophy 2023, for its technological advances achieved.

The partnership between ST IT CLOUD and SISTRAN represents a significant advance for the sector, as it aims to meet specific needs and the growing demand in the insurance area. Providing insurers with an innovative solution to enhance the customer experience and optimize claims processes.

Companies can gain a competitive advantage by combining ST IT Cloud's expertise in advanced technologies with SISTRAN's deep insurance experience.

Get in touch today and discover how the partnership between ST IT Cloud, an expert in cloud solutions and advanced technologies, and SISTRAN, a reference in the insurance sector, can benefit your insurer in this constantly evolving market, 

We are prepared to drive innovation, increase operational efficiency and ensure agility and security in your business in the insurance market.


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