Data Analytics

Discover hidden patterns in your data

Improve operational efficiency, identify growth opportunities and gain competitive advantage for your business.

Success case

Bayer Pro Carbon:

ST IT Cloud and AWS are allies in the battle to reduce carbon emissions.


Helping Brazilian farmers to adopt smart agricultural practices and reduce carbon emissions in their consequences with the aim of achieving the commitment to reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the agricultural sector by 30% by 2030, the Pro Carbono project aims to central objective is carbon neutral agriculture.

The art of deciphering unexplored information from your data and generating value for your business.

Data analysis makes it possible to increase revenue for all types of businesses. Being able to manage large and varied volumes at high speed is the differential to stand out in any area of the market. However, the big challenge is finding the intelligence of the data to generate value and carry out the necessary treatments and processes to present the information in reports on the Web or Mobile Devices in a fast, safe and reliable way.

A path for the sustainable growth of companies, providing valuable insights for strategic decision, making and creating innovative solutions for different business areas


Adopting a Big Data strategy allows you to take advantage of large volumes of data and transform them into valuable information for strategic decision-making.

In addition, it is also possible to generate new sources of revenue, such as identifying new markets, creating new products and improving operational efficiency. Invest in Data Analytics to boost your business and increase your revenue in a smart and strategic way.

Data Analytics

Decoding the future and revolutionizing business success

With the business world becoming more and more competitive, companies that use Data Analytics have a distinct advantage to make smarter and more accurate decisions. From identifying patterns in large data sets to generating valuable insights, Data Analytics enables companies in all industries to leverage their business success and stay ahead of the competition.

Find the intelligence in your data and discover the true potential of your business

Data Analytics types and how to apply them

Descriptive Analysis

Provides an overview of what happened in the past, helping to understand how the business behaved in a given period of time.

Diagnostic Analysis

Seeks to understand the causes of certain events or situations in order to identify possible problems and solutions.

Predictive Analytics

It uses historical data and Machine Learning techniques to predict future events, providing valuable insights for strategic decision making.

Prescriptive Analytics

It goes beyond Descriptive and Predictive Analysis, it describes the past and predicts what may happen in the future, and suggests specific actions to achieve a certain goal in the future.

Product development

Descriptive Analysis seeks to describe and summarize data to understand trends and patterns. Identifying consumer trends and customer preferences, assessing product viability and adjusting the marketing strategy to achieve better results and launch success.

Multidisciplinary and Multisectoral

Predictive Analytics can be utilized in a variety of fields and industries, including business, finance, healthcare, sports, technology, and more. Through this analysis, it is possible to identify and predict behavioral patterns that can detect trends, fraud, evaluate performance and customize the user experience. These are some examples of how an intelligent analysis of your data can add value and optimize processes for your company, regardless of your business.

Predictive maintenance therefore makes it possible to implement an economical plan of action and maximize the lifespan and use of the equipment.

Customer retention

Diagnostic Analysis identifies the root causes of problems and failures in your processes, allowing corrective measures to be taken to improve efficiency, quality and customer satisfaction.

Financial Efficiency

Prescriptive Analysis uses data to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs, ensuring that the product is available when needed, preventing failures, providing agility and greater satisfaction for customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The first step is to define what data will be collected and how it will be organized to be useful.
for decision making. It is important to be clear about the objectives of the data analysis and
identify which data are relevant to achieving these objectives. The collection of this data should
be automated where possible and be in line with the company's privacy policies and
the data protection laws in force.

The data collected must be relevant to your business, that is, it must be directly
related to the company's processes and activities. They must be organized into a template.
structured data, with well-defined fields and consistent values. This will facilitate analysis and
creation of reports and dashboards.

The choice of the ideal data analysis software or tool will depend on the needs and
company-specific goals. It is important to evaluate each option based on features, costs,
ease of use and integration with other tools used by the company.

To ensure data security throughout the process, it is important to follow some good
practices such as Encryption, Access Control, Authentication and Authorization,
access, Backup and recovery, Privacy policies, Compliance with data protection laws

It is important that data security is considered at all stages of the data process.
Analytics, from collection to analysis and sharing of results. ensure privacy
of data is critical to maintaining customer confidence and avoiding potential legal penalties.

To ensure that the team is prepared to use the Data Analytics solution in a
efficient and make the most of the insights generated, it is important to follow some practices such as:

● Appropriate Training
● Data Culture
● Easy Data Access
● Ongoing Support
● Knowledge Sharing
● Performance Metrics
