Know when and where to use Machine Learning

May 18, 2023

Know when and where to use Machine Learning

The large amount of information currently produced by companies makes it a great challenge to analyze it or extract insights without the help of automation.
For this reason, Machine Learning (ML) technology was created and today stands out as a solution that helps companies automate their processes. However, not all obstacles can be solved by ML.
So the question remains: how can a Machine Learning solution effectively help companies in their development by automating processes?
Machine Learning and process automation
Machine Learning is an area of computing dedicated to creating algorithms capable of learning and generalizing from a set of data. That is, the algorithms “learn” with the provided examples, without the need to explicitly program the rules for each case.
This means that, unlike traditional programming, Machine Learning can automate tasks that would be too difficult to code by hand.
Furthermore, as the algorithms are able to “learn” from new examples, they can be continually improved, making them the ideal solution for constantly evolving processes.
What are the main challenges that a Machine Learning solution can help solve?
Machine Learning is a versatile solution used to automate many types of processes. Below are some examples of how ML can be used to help businesses:
● Data analysis: Machine Learning can be used to analyze large volumes of data, looking for patterns and insights that could go unnoticed by the human eye.
● Fraud prevention: With the ability to detect patterns, Machine Learning can be used to identify possible cases of fraud and thus avoid losses for the company.
● Personalized recommendations: Machine Learning can be used to create personalized recommendations for customers based on their purchase history and interactions.
● Anomaly detection: Machine Learning detects anomalies in processes, signaling possible problems that need to be investigated.
● Data Classification: Machine Learning can be used to classify data, allowing companies to better organize and analyze their information.
These are some examples of the applicability of Machine Learning in automating processes in companies.

 As the solution is extremely versatile, it can be applied to meet different needs.Given its wide applicability, when should a company use Machine Learning?
As Machine Learning can be used to automate different types of processes, there is no exact rule to determine when the solution should or should not be applied. However, there are some criteria that can help make the decision.
As for the process:
● Is it repetitive and/or boring?● Does it involve large volumes of data?● Is it constantly evolving?● Is it subject to variation?● Does it require complex analysis?
If the answer is “yes”, for at least one of these criteria, it is likely that Machine Learning is a useful solution to automate the process in question.
Where can Machine Learning be used?
Let’s see some examples of the use of Machine Learning in companies resulting in success stories:
1. Optimization of the production process
Companies use Machine Learning to optimize their production process, increasing factory efficiency and reducing production time. In addition, the solution can also be used to monitor equipment and detect malfunctions, thus reducing plant downtime.
2. Improved customer service quality
Machine Learning is used to monitor customer calls and analyze conversation content. With this, it is possible to identify the main problems faced by customers and take measures to improve the quality of service.
3. Reduction of operating costs
Used to analyze large volumes of data, Machine Learning detects patterns and makes decisions in real time. Companies are able to reduce their operating costs as they have less staffing expenses to perform these analyses.
4. Supply chain optimization
Machine Learning can be used to monitor inventory and detect which products are selling the most. In this way, the company manages to improve the management of its inventories, avoiding excess or shortage of products.
5. Marketing improvement
Applied to the analysis of customer behavior and their interactions with the brand, Machine Learning can be used to identify what is working and what needs to be improved in the company's marketing.
These are some examples of how Machine Learning can be used to automate business processes and generate positive results. As the solution is extremely versatile, it can be applied in different sectors and processes.
Machine Learning is the ideal solution to automate processes within companies
Machine Learning is a process of teaching computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning has been successfully used in many companies to automate processes and improve results.
When considering the use of machine learning, it is critical to first assess whether the above criteria are met. In that case, machine learning can be the ideal solution to automate the process within your company.
ST IT Cloud, with a specialized and certified team, stands out in Machine Learning solutions, prioritizing data structuring, creating flexible analysis mechanisms and algorithm adjustments. Contact, today, and learn how to implement the ideal solution for your company, optimize processes and reduce costs. 


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