ST IT Cloud Privacy Policy

ST IT Cloud is a company that has always worked with data, so we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that you are safe when using our website and accessing our content in social media and marketing communications.

The privacy policy applies to employees, service providers, customers, business partners and everyone who uses our website, applications, social media or any service that may, at some point, have access to personal data. Your information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred to any other company, for any reason, without your consent.

ST IT Cloud is committed to everyone's privacy, so we have developed a policy that provides for how we obtain, use, disclose, transfer and store personal data.

Personal data is any information that can directly or indirectly identify you, such as registration data, preferences, data on the use of services linked to you.

ST IT Cloud and its partners may share this personal information and use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy, that is, within the limit of what is strictly necessary. If the third party in question is an official public body or entity, regulatory, police or governmental authority, legitimately requesting information in the context of inspections, audits, processes or regular legal procedures and which constitute binding legal obligations to ST IT Cloud, or when necessary to protect the rights of ST IT Cloud, customers and partners or third parties, or when there is express consent.

ST IT Cloud may, together with its partners, combine personal information with other information to provide and improve our products, services and content, and we will also obtain non-personal information, those data that do not allow direct association with any specific person, using , transferring and disclosing such non-personal information for any purpose.
In compliance with good practices and anti-corruption regulations, ST IT Cloud may also obtain your personal data from other sources, such as on public websites or through background check providers, in strict compliance with data protection laws and regulations. applicable. When using our services or viewing content made available by ST IT Cloud, we may automatically collect information about your computer's hardware and software. This information may include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, internet service provider (ISP), the files viewed on our website (e.g. HTML pages, images, etc.), operating system, clickstream, hit time and referring website addresses. This information is used by ST IT Cloud to generate general statistics regarding the use of the Sites. For these purposes, we link this automatically collected data to Personal Data.

The ST IT Cloud website, services, email messages and advertising material may use cookies to better understand the behavior of those accessing our content, such as which parts of our website people have visited. To the extent that non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information for the purposes of this privacy policy, and there is no specific repository for storing this information.

ST IT Cloud has implemented the security measures it deems adequate to protect your personal data, based on currently available technology. Therefore, to ensure that your information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to ST IT Cloud employees and service providers and strictly follow the precautionary measures regarding privacy within the company.

If you need additional assistance or help accessing, correcting, hiding or deleting your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or at We will comply with reasonable requests regarding data access, deletion, updating, hiding or correction.
ST IT Cloud may update its Privacy Policy periodically. If we make any policy changes in material terms, we will post a notice on our website along with the Updated Privacy Policy.
Data da última atualização/revisão: 01/2023
